
5 Reasons Why Traveling is More Fun as a Senior

Traveling always seems to be on the top of one’s bucket list. Whether someone wants to travel to a new country, state, or city, it is always good to get out and break up your weekly routine. Senior citizens deserve to travel just as much as any other age group. Some seniors assume since they are older, they don’t need to get out and travel, which is not true. If you are a senior and are looking for motivation to pack your bags and see the world, this article is for you. Here are five reasons why traveling is more fun as a senior.

1. Makes you active

The word “travel” means to move. When you travel, you are moving and keeping your brain and body active. Whether you are traveling to a new state or country, it is always beneficial to get out of the house. Traveling can help keep you healthy in the sense of being physically active. For example, physical activity can help lower blood pressure and also help reduce the risk of strokes.

Now, by saying “physically active,” it does not mean you need to go on a run while on vacation. Instead, take advantage of visiting new locations and exploring the city. You can take a walk and visit local stores or ride a bike while visiting famous landmarks. Regardless of your activities, you will catch yourself on your feet more than if you were at home.

2. Re-experience the world

It’s important to continue learning when you are a senior. Seniors have experienced a lot in their lifetime, but it’s essential to travel in the 21st century as our world is ever-evolving. If you are new to traveling, then it will be even more exhilarating.

There are many places to travel to, such as Hawaii, Greece, New York, and Rome – the options are endless. However, you should choose a destination that has senior-friendly activities. For example, Rome has many senior-friendly activities, such as visiting the Trevi Fountain or touring the Roman Forum.

Experiencing the world can provide you with more knowledge when you experience different cultures, languages, and new people from different backgrounds. Gaining knowledge while traveling is a fun way to experience the world.

3. Meeting people from different places

Meeting people from all over the world is another fun part about traveling as a senior. Communicating with locals and other travelers is an exciting way to learn more about the different cultures and potentially making life-long friends.

If you are on a group tour, you are already surrounded by people with the same interests as you. You can make small talk and share experiences with people you’ve never met. Interacting with strangers is a great way to step out of your comfort zone and build relationships. You can never have too many friends!

4. Can achieve lifelong dreams

Many seniors have lifelong dreams of traveling. It is common for people to push off traveling due to getting caught up at work or taking care of family. Your senior years is the time to finally visit the iconic spots you have grown up reading or hearing about.

During your golden years, travel as much as you possibly can if there is any reason that limits you from doing so. If you have had a dream to visit Australia your whole life, visit Australia! Traveling has changed over the years, meaning you have more options when it comes to transportation, housing, and the best part, excursions. Use this time to achieve your goals while making the best memories.

5. Medicare travels with you

Lastly, one of the best parts about traveling as a senior is having insurance that travels with you. Medicare is federal health insurance for people aged 65 and older and others who qualify due to disability.

If you travel through the United States, you can visit any doctor that accepts Medicare. If you are from Texas and travel to Louisiana, you can use your insurance if the doctor is willing to bill Medicare.

Since Medicare is American health insurance, you will likely not be able to use your coverage outside the country. However, you can use your health insurance in the United States territories: The U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

Not many people can predict medical emergencies, but how fun is it to travel and know you are covered if one were to happen?


There are not many people who regret traveling, as it is a remarkable experience. It’s vitally important to have fun in your senior years and to create unforgettable memories. Start planning your next travel today so you can maintain the vigorous life you’ve always dreamt about.

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