3 Tips For Booking A Safe Hotel When You’re A Senior Citizen

If you’re looking to travel as a senior citizen, there are a few things that you’re going to want to concern yourself with now that you didn’t have to think about as much when you were younger. And while you might not be looking into assisted living facilities yet, there are certain amenities that make a hotel much more accessible and enjoyable to essentially all senior citizens. So to help you in knowing when you’re found a property that’s right for you, here are three tips for booking a safe hotel when you’re a senior citizen.
Be Careful When Booking Something Historical
While booking a hotel that has historical significance or has been around for a very long time can be exciting and leave you with a great experience in some cases, if you’re older and have issues with mobility, booking something historical may not be a great idea for you.
Because many historical buildings don’t have the same standards with regards to retrofitting for accessibility, you might come to find that you can’t get around a historical hotel as well as you’d like. So while it might be fun to visit a historical hotel or other historical sites during the day, when you’re choosing a place to stay, it’s best to go with something more modern that you can be more certain is going to have the accessibility that you need.
Ask About Their “Elder-Friendly” Claims
With so many hotel bookings being done online, it can seem easy to book a hotel that will be great for seniors by looking for an “elderly-friendly” claim. However, this claim shouldn’t really mean much to you until you do a little research on your own.
If you come across a hotel that shares a “elderly-friendly” claim online, the best way to discover what this actually means is by calling them or reaching out in some other way to see exactly what they mean by this. This could mean that they have larger rooms with less furniture for elderly people, easily accessible elevators, and more.
Plan To Get There During The Day
Once you have your hotel booked, you should try to plan your schedule so that you arrive at your destination during the day on the day that you’re to check in. This will help you take a good look at the surroundings of your hotel and have a sense for the place. Additionally, if you’re having to go back out of your car to get something after you’ve checked in, you’ll be doing this during the daylight hours where you’ll be better able to see and be safer from outside threats.
If you want to make sure that you’re booking a safe hotel as a senior citizen, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you in doing this.